Alumni Email Move to Gmail

Wesleyan has been in the process of moving alumni email accounts from on a legacy email system (prior to the University move to Google Apps for Education in 2009) to Wesleyan's Gmail. Alumni will continue to have a Wesleyan email address, and access to email will be available through WesPortal.

The next email migrations take place on January 6, 2020. Alumni affected by this move have received notification via email. See the list of commonly asked questions below. Please note that as of this date, your email will be sent and received through Gmail. The process of moving existing email between systems takes time. Email will appear over the course of several days.

  • Why is Wesleyan changing alumni email?

    Gmail will allow us to provide much larger email boxes in an environment that is widely familiar. This gives the institution the opportunity to reduce our footprint in our campus datacenter while offering more features to our alum.

  • Can I opt out?

    No. We will no longer be running the current email system once we have migrated all alumni.

  • How will this affect me if I use my email?

    We will begin moving email over on the date indicated for your class year. You will continue to access email as usual from WesPortal. That link will now go to your Gmail. You can start using the email immediately. Existing email will eventually show up in your mailbox however, the process can take as long as a week before all of the contents of your mailbox completes the move.

  • Will you support POP/IMAP?

    We will not support POP/IMAP. This means that you will need to use Gmail's web interface or supported mobile applications. The native mail application on IOS and Android will not connect to your Wesleyan email account. We are unable to provide the support needed for all of our alum across the globe using various devices.

  • What if I forward my email now?

    If you currently forward your Wesleyan email to a different email address, after we make the change, the forward will no longer be in place. You may re-establish the forward from within Gmail. You will need to login to Gmail in order to set that up. Assistance with how to setup forwarding can be found here.

  • How do I get help?

    You can request assistance by opening a ticket in WesPortal by clicking Help with New Alumni Email in the ITS Help bucket and filling out the form. Please be sure to include your contact information and best time to reach you. You may also call our email support desk at 860-685-4000.